SoundBox Update - June 2022
SoundBox Studios
June 1st, 2022
Good afternoon students and families!
Wishing everyone a good start of June. We are excited and hope everyone continues to stay safe as things open up, and wish everyone well when embarking on travelling or trips.
This is a small reminder to everyone to please inform of any holiday requests moving forward as we get closer to summer. The sooner you do, the more accurate job we can do with billing and calculating the invoices.
Thank you everyone, and enjoy the rest of your day!
SoundBox Update - May 2022
SoundBox Studios
May 2nd, 2022
Good afternoon students and families!
We hope the wet weather the last few days has not dampened your spirits as the colder temperatures slowly make way for better patio days and outdoor activities.
For Royal Conservatory updates, Piano RCM books will be adjusting to their 2022 syllabus and books starting in June. Please note the older syllabus will only stay in effect for another year upon its new syllabus release. Please talk to your instructor for updates if necessary.
As usual, please reach out for any concerns or issues with the invoice. May all our mothers have a beautiful mother's day weekend.
SoundBox Update - April 2022
SoundBox Studios
April 1st, 2022
Welcome to the season of Spring. We hope everyone gets their moments of sunshine as the city awakens from its slumber from the pandemic one step at a time.
Quick note that Royal Conservatory Examinations are once again being held in person starting in the month of May. If students are interested, be sure to talk with your instructor on how to apply and the differences going back from online to in-person. Please note that online exams will still be held for the time being, so students and teachers have a choice in the matter.
SoundBox Update - March 2022
SoundBox Studios
March 1st, 2022
We are doing a social media promotion blitz! Leave us a review on google or a video of your playing during class for a small credit to be applied in your next statement! Quick & easy. Thank you everyone for your support!
SoundBox Update - February 2022
SoundBox Studios
February 1st, 2022
Royal Conservatory of Music has posted on their website for in-person exams to possibly be available in May/June. This will mark the first in-person exam available since Covid.
Feel free to discuss with your instructors and stay informed or reach out if you require any help planning your exam scheduling.
SoundBox Update - January 2022
SoundBox Studios
January 5th, 2022
We will be monitoring updates on provincial requirements as omicron slowly changes the playing field once again. Soundbox would like to thank all families for their understanding should the situation require us to move lessons back to purely online. If there are concerns, please do reach out or speak to your instructor to arrange for online learning.
Clients who have yet redeemed their holiday gift package(s), do note that they must be used by January. Do reach out if you haven't yet!
SoundBox Update - December 2021
SoundBox Studios
December 1st, 2021
In celebration of our anniversary and Christmas holiday season, all treasured clients of ours will be receiving a special gift on behalf of our Soundbox team. Families will be sent an email later this month on how to claim the gift.
We look forward to celebrating with everyone!
SoundBox Update - November 2021
SoundBox Studios
November 1st, 2021
Soundbox Studios is reaching a full-year anniversary soon! We look forward to celebrating with everyone next month. Stay tuned for a special gift from us to your families as our way of thanking all for your support. We look forward to sharing more ambitious plans as well for our families and students in the summer of 2022 as we look towards more social events when the risks of the pandemic subsides even more.
SoundBox Update - October 2021
SoundBox Studios
October 2nd, 2021
Royal Conservatory Exams have extended their online exams up to January (rather than November before). If students are planning to prepare for in-person exams with their instructors, please be advised to prepare for virtual exams for the time being for the season of January 2022.
We highly recommend the instructor and students doing an online mock exam to test the internet speeds at home, mic quality, and overall smoothness of the process.
Feel free to reach out if any elaboration is required.
SoundBox Update - September 2021
SoundBox Studios
September 3rd, 2021
All the best to families and student's who will be returning to school this September.
We would like to welcome our new piano teacher Joyce Leung to our teaching family. Joyce will be servicing interested families in the downtown core area.
Soundbox Studios is also updating its website in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for new updates, and please, spread the word if you enjoy our teachers and lessons.
SoundBox Update - August 2021
SoundBox Studios
August 1st, 2021
Students who wish to do RCM exams during August 2021 term now have the option to register anytime from now until November rather than the limited time range it used to have, changes made out of adjustment for the pandemic.
Please note that these exams will be hosted online on zoom only.
Students and families who are interested in exam preparation and options should speak to their teachers with this new updated option. More information may be found at
I am also available to answer or explain any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out if you require without hesitation.